Friday, December 31, 2010

Paint Tool Sai!!!

So I finally managed to bust out a 100% digital drawing without my computer crashing. I drew Cammy because I was in a Street Fighter kind of mood last night. In the end I decided that I didn't like it enough to finish it. But I am very happy with the results. I used the paint brush on this one were as on the batgirl drawing I was using the marker tool.

One problem I've always had drawing on the computer, and with digital inking in particular, was not being able to spin the "paper" around to match the natural curve of my hand. Well Sai let's you spin the canvas while you draw so I can do some reasonably adequate inks:

This is the first digital inking job I've been satisfied enough to post (I've had a lot of failed attempts). Here are the "pencils":

So yeah, Paint tool sai for the win.

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