Wednesday, December 29, 2010

black bat

The other morning, I woke up and was inspired to draw this afro'd batgirl. My scanner is in the trunk of my car, so I went guerrilla style and just took a picture of the drawing with my phone and then colored it with Paint Tool Sai. That's my first time ever using Sai, I like it a lot; runs a lot smoother than photoshop. And I like how you can simulate dipping your paint brush into water and stuff.

Here's the original photo from my phone after I touched up the threshold in Photoshop:

Also, I had some sad news over the Christmas break. I received word that a friend of mine from college passed away over the holiday. His name was Courtney Johnson and he was a phenomenal artist and a really great person. You may have noticed I had his blog linked on my side bar. I encourage you guys to check out his art on his deviantart gallery and his blog.

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