Thursday, October 30, 2008

Comics are a Religion

Just finishing off the last few touches of Brown Sugar Chronicles, the 7 page short I've been working on. Those 7 pages were brutal to complete, I can't even imagine doing all that for 200+ pages.

In other comics related news, I've started working on a new graphic novel written by my girlfriend, Chelsea. If you check out the above image, you can see that she was also the brain child behind BSC. The comic we're working on now is a romantic comedy called Boy/Girl, and will be the first 'real' comic I've ever drawn that doesn't have swords and fight scenes. The script is damned funny, and I'm not just saying that! Here's a preview, it's missing some word balloons and stuff:

It will debut as a webcomic, so you can check that out sometime in the near future.

Oh, and also I'm going to be a guest on the TGT Webcomics podcast on December 28th! Apparently, some crazy people somewhere have been reading Kerslash. It's going to be fucking live too, which makes me a bit nervous. But you get to listen to me talk about making comics and shit, and I'm sure they'll ask me why the hell it takes me so long to update... but yeah, I'll post a link to that later.

Speaking of Kerslash, I'm working on making some print issues of the first 16 pages, as like a sampler so I have some actual, tactile comics to peddle at conventions. It will be "digitally remastered" with extra artwork and notes, maybe even some fanart if anybody sends me some. Yeah, do some Kerslash fanart and I will totally put it in that book.

Hopefully, I will be able to update Kerslash next week, but you know how it is, life and shit...

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