Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Change in plan


1) I'm not coloring my Angry Viking comic, Brown Suga Chronicles anymore because Photoshop CS2 runs really slow on my computer and I don't have the time(and I hate coloring). I'll just have to patiently wait for my colorist.

2) Kerslash is still on weekly update status so far. If all goes well, I should have the new page up later tonight. It I can't finish it today, I won't be able to continue working on it until monday.

3) I'm doing a different short for Darkmarc's anthology because I'm having problems with Babylon Puppets. Babylon Puppets will still happen, there's just not enough time between now and June for me to do BP the way it I want it done. Instead I will be doing a comic called "Ion Trigger" staring the character featured up top. Her name is Sparkle and she kicks ass and takes names.

I am so determined to keep all my deadlines that it's driving me crazy. Any volunteers want to design an Ion Trigger logo for me???

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